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In Development

Official Selection: Nashville Film Festival

Creemore Village, The Disappeared Ones, Creemore Village, Nashville Film Festival, Nashville Screenwriting Competition, Helmann Wilhelm, official selection
The Disappeared Ones, Nashville Film Festival, Nashville Screenwriting Competition, Helmann Wilhelm, official selection, script


Creemore Village, Nashville Film Festival, Nashville Screenwriting Competition, Helmann Wilhelm, official selection, script


Festival season is around the corner and we’re delighted to announce that Helmann’s 1-hour pilot, THE DISAPPEARED ONES, is a semi-finalist while his second script, CREEMORE VILLAGE, has placed as a quarter-finalist at the 52nd annual Nashville Film Festival. Founded in 1969, the Nashville Film Festival will be held this year on September 30th – October 6th. For a complete list of all the quarter-finalists, please visit:

Helmann selected for Netflix-Banff Fellowship

Banff Media World Film Festival, Netflix, Banff, Diversity of Voices Initiative, Fellowship, 2021, Helmann Wilhelm, Canted Pictures, Creemore Village, 1 hour pilot, screenplay, script,
Banff Media World Film Festival, Netflix, Banff, Diversity of Voices Initiative, Fellowship, 2021, Helmann Wilhelm, Canted Pictures, Creemore Village, 1 hour pilot, screenplay, script,

Some very exciting news — Helmann is 1 of 25 participants selected for the 2021 Netflix-Banff Fellowship and Pitch Program where he will receive an exclusive one-on-one mentorship with Joseph Kay, EP/showrunner of TRANSPLANT. As part of the program, Helmann will also be given a full access pass to the Banff World Media Film Festival.

The festival, which is partnered with the Black Screen Office, the Canada Media Fund, the Indigenous Screen Office (ISO), and la Société de développement des entreprises culturelles, will take place virtually this year from June 14 – July 16th. To learn more about the Banff World Media Festival, visit

“This is an important collaboration and step towards a more diverse, equitable and inclusive cultural community. Congratulations to this year’s participants, your voice is vital in continuing to build and elevate a vibrant industry and ensuring that all Canadians feel represented, in front of and behind the camera."

Chris ReginaDirector, Original Series at Netflix

Official Selection: Austin Film Festival

The Disappeared Ones, Original, Pilot, Script, Helmann Wilhelm, Canted Pictures, Austin Film Festival, Second Rounder, Quarterfinalist, quarter-finalist, screenplay competition, 2020


Succession: Human Piñata, Human Pinata, Austin Film Festival, Screenwriting Competition, 2020, Semifinalist, Semi-finalist, Helmann Wilhelm, Spec script, Canted Pictures


We’ve just received word that two of Helmann’s scripts have placed at the 27th annual Austin Film Festival. His original 1-hour dramatic pilot, THE DISAPPEARED ONES, was selected as a Second Rounder while his spec for SUCCESSION (“Human Piñata”) placed as a semi-finalist, making it the top 2% out of 13,000 submissions. This is the second year one of Helmann’s scripts have placed at the Oscar-qualifying festival, which is going virtual this year. For more information on speakers and badges, have a look here:

Reelworld Emerging 20 Filmmakers Announced

Reelworld Film Festival and Screen Institute, Emerging 20, E20, 2020, Class, Program, talent lab, announced, Helmann Wilhelm, Creemore Village, Telefilm Talent to watch fund, feature film, canted pictures, recipient
Reelworld Film Festival and Screen Institute, Emerging 20, E20, 2020, Class, Program, talent lab, announced, Helmann Wilhelm, Creemore Village, Telefilm Talent to watch fund, feature film, canted pictures, recipient

We’re thrilled to announce that Helmann will be part of the Reelworld Emerging 20 Program for his 1-hour pilot, CREEMORE VILLAGE! Every year Reelworld selects the top 20 emerging BIPOC filmmakers from across the country.

About the Program

The E20 Program is Reelworld’s initiative to connect some of Canada’s most talented emerging BIPOC talent with industry executives and professionals within the Canadian entertainment industry. E20s are given the opportunity to network, learn, and pitch their projects to industry decision makers.

After the program has concluded, E20 participants are eligible to apply for up to $150,000 from Telefilm’s Talent to Watch program to make their first feature film.

For more info about Reelworld’s Emerging 20, check out their website here.

“We had over 250 submissions this year and it was with great difficulty that our jury had to whittle that down to only 20 projects. Each year the competition gets more fierce. Congratulations to all our E20’s. I look forward to seeing their projects bloom and find rightful homes on our screens.”

Tonya WilliamsFounder, Reelworld Film Festival & Screen Institute